terça-feira, 30 de novembro de 2010

1º Prêmio Barba Negra Rio Comicon de Quadrinhos Brasileiros

Se você é quadrinista, ou quer ser, a editora Barba Negra e o Rio Comicon enterraram um tesouro para você: Primeiro Prêmio Barba Negra Rio Comicon de Quadrinhos Brasileiros em parceria com a editora Leya.

O vencedor ganhará um prêmio de 20 mil reais, um contrato com a editora Barba Negra, e uma exposição no Rio Comicon 2011. Se você quiser saquear esse tesouro, leia o regulamento abaixo.

01 Poderão participar do Primeiro Prêmio Barba Negra Rio Comicon de Quadrinhos Brasileiros todos os roteiristas e desenhistas brasileiros ou nativos de países, territórios, ou comunidades onde a língua portuguesa seja a língua oficial.

02 Só poderão ser inscritas novelas gráficas inéditas.

03 Todas as obras deverão estar escritas em língua portuguesa.

04 O prêmio terá apenas um vencedor que ganhará um adiantamento de direitos autorais no valor de R$ 20.000,00 (vinte mil reais) e um contrato de publicação da obra com a editora Barba Negra, uma editora associada ao Grupo Leya.

05 Os demais vencedores receberão um adiantamento de direitos autorais no valor de R$ 5.000,00 (cinco mil reais) e um contrato de publicação da obra com a editora Barba Negra, uma editora associada ao Grupo Leya.

06 O vencedor terá sua novela gráfica publicada em 2011 e, caso esteja pronta, será lançada durante a próxima edição do Rio Comicon. Os demais trabalhos serão lançados em datas a serem definidas, de acordo com a disponibilidade da editora.

07 A editora Barba Negra reserva para si os direitos de publicação das obras em países de língua portuguesa.

08 A editora Barba Negra e Rio Comicon reservam para si o direito de expor os originais das obras vencedoras, assim como usá-los na divulgação do evento.

09 A proposta deverá conter uma sinopse contando a história, ter as primeiras 30 (trinta) páginas da novela gráfica roteirizadas (escritas ou rafeadas, como for mais fácil para o autor) e 4 (quatro) páginas finalizadas, em cor ou preto e branco, conforme será impressa.

Cada novela gráfica deverá ter no mínimo 96 páginas.

O formato da página é de 160 x 230 mm, e a mancha gráfica deve ser proporcional 130 x 195 mm.

10 Cada autor poderá concorrer com até 3 (três) obras.

11 Cada proposta deverá vir em um e-mail separado e conter o nome da história no “assunto”.

Cada e-mail deverá ter anexado a ficha de inscrição (www.editorabarbanegra.com.br), a sinopse, o roteiro, as páginas finalizadas e uma cópia de um comprovante de residência.

As páginas finalizadas deverão ser gravadas em JPG, CMYK (300 DPIs), Grayscale (300 DPIs), ou Bitmap (600) DPIs.

12 Os trabalhos deverão ser enviados para o e-mail riocomicon@editorabarbanegra.com.br, até o dia 23 de janeiro de 2011, até às 24:00h.

13 O júri será formado por profissionais da área de quadrinhos, da editora Barba Negra e do Rio Comicon. Todas as decisões deste júri serão irrevogáveis.

14 Não serão aceitas artes originais.

Nenhum material enviado será devolvido aos autores.

15 Participar do concurso significa aceitar as regras do mesmo.

16 Não poderão participar do concurso funcionários ou familiares da editora Barba Negra e Rio Comicon ou dos membros do júri.

Clique aqui e faça o download da ficha de inscrição.

segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010


DEADLINE: 01/03/2011

We are pleased to inform you that on May 21st, 2011 the Museum HOUSE OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE in Gabrovo, Bulgaria will open the 20th INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF HUMOUR AND SATIRE IN THE ARTS. The Biennial exhibition has got six categories: cartoons, graphics & drawings, paintings, sculpture, photographs and posters which are open to all artists without any entry fee. The subject matter for all categories is FREE, however, there is a special theme for CARTOONS category which is “ALL ROADS LEAD TO…”. The participating cartoonists have the freedom to interpret the subject matter completing the phrase by making the best use of their sense of humour, imagination and graphic talent. The deadline for entries is March 1st, 2011.

Attaching the complete conditions of entry and entry-form, we kindly invite you to submit works to our international competition. The complete conditions of entry and entry-form in Bulgarian, English, German, French and Russian can be viewed at


In case you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We remain at your disposal.
Tatyana Tsankova (Mrs.)

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

Resultado do 6º Salão Internacional de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista


1º Lugar - Tiago Hoisel Ferraz - São Paulo- SP - Brasil
2º Lugar - João Carlos Mattias - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
3º Lugar - Carlos David Fuentes Hierrezuelo - Moa - Cuba

Meção Honrosa
Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia - Garopaba - SC - Brasil
Omar Alberto Figueroa Turcios - Madri - Espanha
Lézio Custodio Junior - São José do Rio preto – SP- Brasil


1º Lugar - Ngai OO - Yangon - Myanmar
2º Lugar - Leslie Ricciardi - Puerto de la Cruz - Espanha
3º Lugar - Rodrigo De Lira Minêu Rocha - Salvador – BA - Brasil

Meção Honrosa
Jarbas Domingos de Lira Junior - Recife – PE - Brasil
Seyran Caferli - Baku - Azerbaijão
José Gonzalo San Martín Escobar - El Horno


1º Lugar - Rumen Kostov Dragostinov - Sófia - Bulgária
2º Lugar - Julio Angel Carrión Cueva - Lima - Peru
3º Lugar - Ronaldo Cunha Dias - Vacaria – RS- Brasil

Meção Honrosa
Huseyin Cakmak - Nicosia - Chipre
Oguz Gurel - Istambul - Turquia
Valentin Georgiev - Targovishte - Bulgária


1º Lugar - Elvis Nilson Israel de Oliveira - São José do Rio Preto – SP - Brasil
2º Lugar - Rodrigo de Oliveira Maia - Ananindeua – PA - Brasil
3º Lugar - Makhmudjon Eshonkulov - Tashkent - Uzbekistan

Meção Honrosa
João Bosco Jacó de Azevedo - Belém - PA - Brasil
Saeed Sadeghi - Jahrom - Irã


1º Lugar - Caetano Cury Nardi - Guaxupé – MG - Brasil
2º Lugar - Floreal Da Silva Andrade - Suzano – SP – Brasil
3º Lugar - José Antonio Costa - Teresina – PI - Brasil

Meção Honrosa
Valfrido Ricardo Martins - Manhuaçu – MG - Brasil
Willian Antonio Hussar - Piracaicaba – SP - Brasil

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

Umoristi a Marostica 2011 : theme INTERNET

C O N T E S T 2 0 1 1
:: 1 9 6 9 - 2 0 1 1 :: 43th edition

Marostica 2011

Umoristi a Marostica

The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" announces and organizes the 43th International Graphic Humour Exhibition "Umoristi a Marostica 2011"


1. The contest is open to all the cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It's possible to participate out of the competition. That request excludes the author from award of the prizes.

2. The theme of the contest is: INTERNET

3. The authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips) inherent to the theme proposed in connection with the man, his existence and the society, seen in humorous view-point. The works, for being able to be comprised all over the world beyond every linguistic barrier, will have to be without dialogue or texts.

The works, realized with free technique, should be originals or digital prints numbered and signed by the author. The photocopies will not be accepted.
The format of works is free, within a maximum of 60x60 cm.
The works should bear the author's name, surname, address, email and possible title on the back.

4. The deadline for works reception is january 18, 2011 (based on the postmark).
The works, accompanied by the author's entry-form, must be sent (pastage paid by the sender and without frames or glass) to the following address:


5. The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the Jury nominated by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The Jury's decisions are final.

6. The Jury will award the following prizes:
"International Grand Prix Scacchiera"
12 Special prizes "Umoristi a Marostica".
Special prize "Sandro Carlesso" (for the graphic research)
Special prize "Marco Sartore" (for well-known author)
Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.

7. The results of the Jury will be given directly to all the participating artists by email or mail and published on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it within february 2011

8. The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will have place on april 16, 2011 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will remain opened till 29 may, 2011.

9. All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue.
All the other participants not selected will be able to demand the catalogue compiling the module on the site www.umoristiamarostica.it

10. The prize-winning works will not be returned and will be included in the collection of "Umoristi a Marostica Museum".

Only the original works of authors selected will be returned after the exhibition and with postage paid by "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The works of authors not selected and all the digital prints will not be returned. The authors selected may give their works to "Umoristi a Marostica Museum" in any case.

11. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" reserves the right to authorize the reproduction of the work citing the author with the words "Taken from Umoristi a Marostica", without any payment. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" is not responsible for transport damages.

12. The participation in the contest implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.

For further informations:
phone/fax: +39-0424-72150

Download PDF: http://www.fanofunny.com/guests/umoristimarostica/umoristi_a_marostica_2011_eng.pdf

segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

Sobre o resultado do concurso MAD/Brazilcartoon

Devido a inúmeras perguntas sobre o resultado do concurso feito pela revista MAD e o portal Brazilcartoon, entrei em contato com o Márcio Leite, diretor do portal para saber quando sairia o resultado. O mesmo me informou que será divulgado após o lançamento oficial do novo portal do Brazilcartoon.

A data ainda não é certa, mas o site está quase pronto, faltando alguns ajustes, estão é só aguardar.

quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Resultado do 2º BH Humor

Resultado do 2º Salão de BH, BH Humor

Juri é formado por

Angel Boligán - MEX
Márcio Leite - MG
Lor - MG
Chico Marinho - MG
Lélis - MG


1º Lugar Cartum - Sajad (Irã)
2º Lugar Cartum - Elias Monteiro (Brasil)

3º Lugar Cartum - Ba Biling (China)

Menção Honrosa (Cartum) - Erasmo
Menção Honrosa (Cartum) - Mello
Menção Honrosa (Cartum) - Alves


1º Lugar Caricatura - Jarbas Júnior (Brasil)

2º Lugar Caricatura - Frata Soares (Brasil)

3º Lugar Caricatura - André Leão (Brasil)

4° Menção Honrosa (Caricatura) - Dálcio Machado

5° Menção Honrosa (Caricatura) - Carlus

Menção Honrosa (Caricatura) - Glen Batoca

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Prêmio Abril Personagens 2010

Com o intuito de promover e incentivar a produção de conteúdo infantil de qualidade, a Editora Abril lança o Prêmio Abril de Personagens.

O desafio é criar narrativas infanto-juvenis, em forma de histórias em quadrinhos, para o público entre 7 e 12 anos, de ambos os sexos.

Os melhores trabalhos serão selecionados pela Editora Abril, pela Associação Brasileira de Produtores Independentes de Televisão (ABPI-TV) e também serão submetidos à apreciação e votação do público.

O vencedor assinará um contrato com a Editora Abril e terá sua obra publicada.
A Editora Abril acredita que o grande desafio de produzir conteúdo para crianças contribui para o enriquecimento do repertório cultural da sociedade,
propiciando, assim, a difusão do saber e do conhecimento.

Roteiristas e desenhistas estão convidados a mostrar seu talento.

O prazo de inscrição para participar do Prêmio Abril de Personagens é:
de 27 de setembro a 19 de dezembro de 2010.

Não perca a chance de ver seus personagens ganharem vida.

Saiba mais acessando: http://www.premioabrildepersonagens.com.br/

Gorillaz IE9 "Evangelist" Competition

Gorillaz IE9 "Evangelist" Competition - Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions constitute the agreement between each Competition entrant and Microsoft Limited (the "Promoter") in relation to the Competition. By entering the Competition each entrant irrevocably agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

The Promoter has been granted the right to run the Competition in association with the Gorillaz Partnership. The Gorillaz Partnership shall be entitled to rely on and enforce these Term and Conditions as against any and all Competition entrants, including without limitation the assignment by each Competition entrant to the Gorillaz Partnership of all rights in all works submitted for entry hereunder (as set out under clause 6 below).


i. This Competition is open to any person who is 13 years of age or older at the time of entry (the "Entrant"). Employees of the Promoter, the Gorillaz Partnership, CMO, EMI Records Limited, RMP, Flesh Eaters Limited or their affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising or promotion agencies are not eligible, nor are members of these employees' families (defined as parents, children, siblings, spouses and life partners).

Entrants under 18 years of age must obtain authorisation from a parent or guardian before entering. Promoter reserve the right to request evidence of such authorisation and to invalidate entries if the appropriate authorisation is or was not provided.


i. Entry will comprise of designing and submitting an image of the new Gorillaz character, 'the Evangelist', via the design applications available at www.gorillaz.com/evangelist. Incomplete or unattributed entries may be deemed invalid at the sole discretion of the Promoter. Entry constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify anyone it deems, in its sole discretion to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions. No purchase is necessary to enter this Competition. As part of the entry process Entrants will be required to become registered users of Gorillaz.com (the "Website"). Only registered users of the Website will be able to submit their entries to the Competition.

ii. All entries will be moderated on the following criteria to be eligible to enter (an "Eligible Entry"):

  • Images must adhere to the style, graphical representation and atmosphere of Gorillaz and Plastic Beach
  • Images must be creative, original, playful and inventive
  • Images must be the original sole work of the Entrant and created solely for the purposes of this Competition – entries found to have been previously created, used or distributed – even if these are the property of the Entrant – will not be accepted
  • Entry content must not be defamatory, obscene, offensive or infringe or violate any other persons' rights. The content must not be illegal, hateful, threatening, pornographic, contain nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse an entry containing any of the above.

iii. Entrants warrant that their entry(ies) do not violate the privacy, intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person or entity.

iv. It is intended that Eligible Entries will be uploaded onto a gallery on the Website on a weekly basis as set out under clause 3.ii below (subject to the volume of entries received and time taken for moderation) and may be also be uploaded and shared via other websites (including by way of example and without limitation, Facebook).

v. Any Competition entry(ies) may be taken down from the Website at any time for any reason, including without limitation where a claim has been made by any third party in relation to such entry(ies).


i. Entries for the Competition may be made from 02/11/2010 until 11.59:59 p.m. GMT on 28/11/2010.

ii. Users can submit only one entry during each one of four consecutive submission weeks. The closing dates for entries for each submission week are:

  • Week 1 entries - 7/11/2010 (for intended upload on 9/11/2010)
  • Week 2 entries - 14/11/2010 (for intended upload on 16/11/2010)
  • Week 3 entries – 21/11/2010 (for intended upload on 23 /11/2010)
  • Week 4 entries - 28/11/2010 (for intended upload on 30 /11/2010)

The date and timing for uploading of Eligible Entries to the Website shall remain subject to change at any time.

iii. In order to allow Entrants to amend their submitted entry during a submission week, any further submissions made by an Entrant during that same submission week will replace the last entry previously submitted by them during that same submission week. However, for the avoidance of doubt, an Entrant may not re-submit their entry from a previous submission week in any subsequent submission week(s).

iv. In the week after each submission week, users of Gorillaz.com will have the option to use one vote each per entry to shortlist the top 12 entries for the previous submission week. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify anyone it suspects to be involved in voting fraud and invalidate the relevant votes which will no longer count.

v. The closing dates for voting are:

  • Voting on week 1 entries - 15/11/2010
  • Voting on week 2 entries – 22/11/2010
  • Voting on week 3 entries - 29/11/2010
  • Voting on week 4 entries - 6/12/2010

vi. From 7/12/10 to 13/12/10 inclusive all shortlisted entries are subject to a further round of public voting via the Website to select a final shortlist of 12 entries which will be submitted for final judging by Gorillaz's Jamie Hewlett.

vii. Gorillaz will confirm the winning entry and reveal Jamie Hewlett's final design of the new Gorillaz character, 'the Evangelist' (as designed by Jamie based on the winning entry, as set out in clause 7 below) on Gorillaz.com on 06/01/2011.


Personal data which an Entrant provides when entering the Competition will be used to update them on the Gorillaz IE9 "Evangelist" Competition only.


i. The winner will be chosen from the final shortlist of 12 entries by Jamie Hewlett and the Gorillaz design team through criteria set out below. Potential winners may be required to provide evidence of the eligibility of their entry(ies). The winner will be notified via email. If a potential winner cannot be contacted within 5 days of first attempted contact by the Promoter then an alternative winner may be selected. The winner will also be announced on www.gorillaz.com/evangelist, and though other media outlets.

ii. Winners:
The winner may be required to become involved in further publicity or advertising and must be prepared to do this including without limitation a winner's photo call.

iii. Judging Criteria for winning entry:
The criteria used to select the winner will be as follows:

  • Imagination and originality in interpreting the brief
  • Fulfils Plastic Beach ethos of irreverent creativity
  • Quality of the entry execution
  • Entry will fit in with Gorillaz' Plastic Beach existing collateral

iv. The judge's decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.


i. By entering the Competition each Entrant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:

  1. assigns to the Gorillaz Partnership with full title guarantee, and where the assignment is of copyright, by way of an assignment of present and future copyright, the entire copyright and all other right, title and interest of whatsoever nature whether vested or contingent in and to their entry(ies) for the Gorillaz Partnership to hold the same absolutely throughout the universe, for the full period of such rights, and all renewals, reversions, revivals and extensions thereof and thereafter (insofar as is or may become possible) in perpetuity; and
  2. grants to the Gorillaz Partnership all consents (whether pursuant to the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as subsequently amended) or otherwise) as are required by the Gorillaz Partnership (and/or any party deriving rights from the Gorillaz Partnership, whether directly or otherwise) to exploit such rights as the Gorillaz Partnership (and/or such other parties) see fit without further recourse or payment to the Entrant (including without limitation the right to alter, adapt, edit, use and exploit such entry(ies) and authorise others to do so at the sole discretion of the Gorillaz Partnership and without further reference to the Entrant).

ii. Waiver of moral rights: By entering this Competition each Entrant hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives in perpetuity the benefit of any provision of law known as moral rights, the benefits of any provision known as "droit moral" or any similar law in any country of the universe with respect to their entry(ies). To the extent that such moral or similar rights cannot be so waived, each Entrant irrevocably agrees not to assert them against the Gorillaz Partnership or any third party deriving rights from the Gorillaz Partnership, whether directly or otherwise.

iii. Further assurance: Each Entrant hereby undertakes and covenants to the Gorillaz Partnership to do all such further acts and execute all such further documents and instruments as the Gorillaz Partnership may reasonably require, to vest in or further assure to the Gorillaz Partnership the rights in their Competition entry(ies) hereunder.


i. The winning entry will be re-drawn by Gorillaz's Jamie Hewlett whose final design of the new Gorillaz character 'the Evangelist' (as based on such winning entry) shall then be uploaded onto Gorillaz.com.

ii. The winner will be credited on the Competition page and will receive a Gorillaz "gift pack" including a print of Jamie's final design of 'the Evangelist' as signed by Jamie.

iii. The final re-drawing of the winning entry is at the Gorillaz Partnership's sole discretion. The Competition winner will have no final say on the finished design, and by entering this Competition waves all rights to creative sign-off.

iv. The prize is as stated and is not transferable. No cash alternatives are available.


i. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility for any additional costs incurred by the Entrant whilst executing their Gorillaz IE9 "Evangelist" entry(ies). Any and all costs incurred by the Entrant in process of executing their Gorillaz IE9 "Evangelist" entry(ies) are the sole responsibility of the Entrant and will, under no circumstances be covered by the Promoter or the Gorillaz Partnership.

ii. The Promoter cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party. Entrants to this Competition agree that the Promoter will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, costs, damage or disappointment of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from acceptance, misuse or use of the prize. Nothing in this clause shall limit the Promoter's liability in respect of death or personal injury arising out of its own negligence or arising out of fraud.

iii. If an Entrant attempts to compromise the integrity or the legitimate operation of this Competition by, for example, hacking or by cheating or committing fraud in ANY way, the Promoter and/or the Gorillaz Partnership may seek damages from the Entrant to the fullest extent permitted by law.

iv. "The Promoter does not accept responsibility for network, computer or software failures of any kind, which may restrict or delay the sending or receipt of your Entry. The Promoter is not responsible for lost, corrupted or delayed entries. Entries sent via agents or third parties may not be accepted. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt."


i. Each Entrant consents to their Gorillaz.com user name and their name and likeness being made publicly available, including without limitation for use in crediting their entry within the entries gallery on the Website and elsewhere.

ii. The winner's name will be available on www.gorillaz.com/evangelist and may be used elsewhere for publicity in relation to the Competition. The winner may be invited to take part in unpaid promotional PR activity.

10. OTHER:

i. No correspondence will be entered into regarding either this Competition or these Terms and Conditions. In the unlikely event of a dispute, the Promoter's decision shall be final. The Promoter reserves the right to amend, modify, cancel or withdraw this Competition at any time without notice.

ii. These terms, the conduct of this promotion and the interpretation and enforcement of these Terms and Conditions shall be exclusively governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, unless the Entrant is a Scottish resident, in which case they may choose the law of their own country of residence. Entrants irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales, unless they are a Scottish resident or a resident of Northern Ireland, in which case they may choose the courts of their place of residence.

Promoter: Microsoft Limited, Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WG, England.

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

Selecionados 2º BH Humor



Argentina - Adrian Aníbal Al Palmas
Azerbaijão - Seyran Caferli
Belgica - Luc Vernimmen
Belgica - Luc Vernimmen
Brasil - Rampazzo
Brasil - Alberto Ribeiro Palmieri
Brasil - Alexandre Vinícius da Silva - Sem título
Brasil - Américo Gomes de Almeida Filho automóvel
Brasil - André Luis Marangoni - Car
Brasil - André Simões Debs - Animais na pista
Brasil - Antônio Amâncio de Oliveira Filho - cartum carro
Brasil - Bruno Lopes Teixeira – Cruzamento de vidas – Dereck
Brasil - Bruno Marcos Costa Oliveira - Sem título
Brasil - Carlos Augusto R. Nascimento - Sem título
Brasil - Carlos Henrique Pinto Caminha - Bus
Brasil - Carlos Max Utsch Costa - Mais Amor no transito
Brasil - Clayton – Carrossel
Brasil - Daniel Ponciano da Silva - Sem título
Brasil - Dil Márcio da Silva e Souza - sem título
Brasil - Dil Márcio da Silva e Souza - sem título2
Brasil - Elias Ramires Monteiro - Sem título
Brasil - Erasmo C. Spadotto - Sem título
Brasil - Evandro Alves - Sem título
Brasil - Evandro Alves - Sem título2
Brasil - Fábio Gonçalves da Silva - Sem título
Brasil - Fernando Lopes de Souza – Engarrafão
Brasil - Frederico Ozanan Pinto Gomes Pereira - Cachorros
Brasil - Frederico Ozanan Pinto Gomes Pereira - Ônibus
Brasil - Gabriel de Souza Catte – Táxi
Brasil - Gemacôn - Sem título
Brasil - Gilbert Berois – Transformação
Brasil - Gilberto Cortes Sem título
Brasil - Hussar - Escultura Lula e Dilma
Brasil - Jose Antonio costa - Sem título
Brasil - Junior Lopes - Sem título
Brasil - Luís Fernando Pimentel Mendes - Sem título
Brasil - Márcio Machado Diemer – Stop
Brasil - Marco Aurélio Jacobsen Freitas – ET
Brasil - Marco Aurélio Jacobsen Freitas – Gun
Brasil - Marcos de Souza – Cartum Quinho
Brasil - Marcos Rodrigues de Freitas - Sem título
Brasil - Moises de Macedo Coutinho -Indio quer Flecha
Brasil - Oscar William Simões Costa - Sem título
Brasil - Patrícia Gaiguer – Emergência
Brasil - Paulo Volmar Mattos Vilanova - Férias no Trânsito
Brasil - Rafael Corrêa Pedalar é preciso
Brasil - Rafael Souza Sete - Sem título
Brasil - Raimundo Rucke – Ilha
Brasil - Raimundo Rucke – Totó
Brasil - Rampazzo - Sem título2
Brasil - Rodrigo de Lira Minêu Rocha – Trapezistas
Brasil - Rogério Marcus - Sem título
Brasil - Ronaldo Augusto Moreira Rodrigues - Triangulo
Brasil - Sérgio Ribeiro Lemos – Lesmax
Brasil - Silerner Moa - Sem título
Brasil - Silvano Rosa Gonçalves de Melo - Transporte Coletivo
Brasil - Ubiratan Nazareno Borges Porto - Cavalo de Tróia
Brasil - Walmir Americo Orlandeli - Sem título
Brasil - Dálcio Machado- Abbey Road
Bulgária - Rumen Dragostinov - Sem título
Bulgária - Rumen Dragostinov - Sem título2
Bulgária - Valeri Alexandrov - Sem título
China - Ba Bilig - Sem título
China - Ba Bilig - Sem título2
Córeia do Sul - Young Sik - Oh2
Cuba - Adan Iglesias Toledo - Adán tCar concretera bloque
Espanha - David Vela – Tramway
Espanha - Leslie Ricciardi – TRAFFIC
Espanha - Tomas Serrano Rodriguez – aningunaparte
Espanha - Tomas Serrano Rodriguez - Sem título
EUA - Ali ShahAli - Sem título
EUA - Ali ShahAli - Sem título2
EUA - Felipe Galindo Feggo - Road Rage
Indonésia - Doddy Iswahyudi - Sem título
Indonesia - Kessusanto Liusvia - Sem título
Indonésia - Tommy Thomdean - CAR de triomphe_thomdean
Irã - Sajad – Crash
Irã - Shirin Gholippor - Sem título
Israel - Kfir Weizman - Sem título
Israel - Kfir Weizman - Sem título2
Itália - Giacomo Cardelli - Bicycle path
Peru - Jose Gonzalo San Martin Escobar - Sem título
Polônia - Tomasz Woloszyn - Down by the river
Romênia - Ciosu Constantin - Sem título
Romênia - George Licurici -Rush Hour
Romênia - Marian Avramescu – Traffic
Romênia - Pavel Constantin Sem título
Sérvia - Milenko Kosanovic - Sem título
Sérvia - Vladimir Stankovski - Transit through Our Lives
Sérvia - Vladimir Stankovski – Treeffic
Síria - Raed Khalil - Sem título
Tailândia - Tawan Chuntra - Sem título
Tailândia - Tawan Chuntra - Sem título2
Turquia - Burak Ergin - Sem título
Turquia - Erdogan Basol – TRAFÌK
Turquia - Hakan Sümer – Sapatos
Turquia - Hicabi - Sem título
Turquia - Hicabi - Sem título2
Turquia - Ilker Sermi - Sem título
Ucrânia - Alexander Dubovsky - The end
Ucrânia - Valery Momot - Sem título


Argentina - CaricaturaAlfredo Sábat - Caetano Veloso
Brasil - Alan Souto Maior Alves - Ferreira Gullar
Brasil - Alan Souto Maior Alves - Os Trapalhões
Brasil - Alberto José Lobo Ferreira Lima - Pelé
Brasil - Alexsander Faria de Souza – Messi
Brasil - Américo Gomes de Almeida Filho – Niemeyer
Brasil - André Dutra - Nando Reis
Brasil - André Dutra - Ronaldo fenômeno
Brasil - Andre Luiz Diamantino Leao – Galvão
Brasil - Andre Luiz Diamantino Leao - Serginho Groisman
Brasil - Angelo Hermeto Abi-Saber – Lulma
Brasil - Baptistão - Sem título
Brasil - Camilo Riani - Niemeyer
Brasil - Carlos Henrique Pinto Caminha – Dilminha
Brasil - Claudio Antonio da Silva - Morais Moreira
Brasil - Dálcio Machado – Freud
Brasil - Dálcio Machado - Samuel Beckett
Brasil - Eder Medeiros Galdino - Brad Pitt
Brasil - Eder Medeiros Galdino – Spielberg
Brasil - Emerson Carvalho de Souza – Dilma
Brasil - Emerson Carvalho de Souza - Ferreira Gullar
Brasil - Evandro Alves – Laerte
Brasil - Fabiano Carriero Eiras - O gordo e o magro
Brasil - Fabrício Rodrigues Garcia - BB king
Brasil - Flávio - Nando Reis
Brasil - Francisco Carlos Campos Costa - Néstor Kirchner
Brasil - Francisco Tadeu Soares da Silva – Ronaldo
Brasil - Glen Batoca - Oscar Niemeyer
Brasil - Glen Batoca – Picasso
Brasil - Hussar - Lula e Dilma
Brasil - J. Bosco - Raquel de Queiro
Brasil - Jarbas Domingos de Lira Junior - Gilbeto Gil
Brasil - Jarbas Domingos de Lira Junior – Michael
Brasil - João Valdenio Silva - Bin Laden
Brasil - Junior Lopes - Beatles web
Brasil - Leandro Correa Lima - Lady Gaga
Brasil - Leandro Spett – Elvis
Brasil - Leonardo Braz Muniz - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Brasil - Lezio Custodio Junior - Sem título
Brasil - Luciano Irrthum - Jorge Amado
Brasil - Luiz Eugênio Quintão Guerra - Noel
Brasil - Marcelo Gomes da Fonseca - Clarise Linspector
Brasil - Marcos Ribeiro Mendes – Poe
Brasil - Mônico José Martins Dos Reis – HENDRIX
Brasil - Nilson Sampaio - Marina Silva
Brasil - Rafael Duque Espindola - Monteiro Lobato
Brasil - Rodrigo de Lira Minêu Rocha - Amy Winehouse
Brasil - Rogério Brum Hermany – Felipão
Brasil - Silvano Rosa Gonçalves de Melo - Wood Allen
Brasil - Tiago Gomes Carneiro - BB King
Brasil - Tiago Gomes Carneiro -Jorge Amado
Brasil - Vagner Love
Bulgária - Valentin Georgiev – Christo
Bulgária- Valentin Georgiev - Huan Miro
Colômbia - Diego Fernando Agudelo – Tarantino
Espanha - Omar Alberto Fiqueira Turcios - Nicolas Sarkosí y Karla Bruni
Índia - Shankar - Mother Teresa
Irã - Davoodi - Forest Whitaker
Irã - Vahid Jafari - Julia Roberts
Irã - Vahid Jafari - Brad Pitt & Angelina Joli

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2010

Bolsa Iberê Camargo

Criada em 2001 com o objetivo de fomentar a produção artística contemporânea no Brasil, a Bolsa Iberê Camargo está comemorando uma década de existência. Para marcar a data, a Fundação lança hoje o edital 2010, junto da abertura da exposição Convivências – dez anos da Bolsa Iberê Camargo, que reúne todos os artistas contemplados até agora pelo programa.

Nesta décima edição, a iniciativa vai levar um artista para uma residência no Bronx Museum of Arts
, em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, e outro para a Universidad Torcuato di Tella, em Buenos Aires, na Argentina. No ato de inscrição, os projetos já deverão ser pensados para a instituição escolhida.

Além disso, como nas últimas edições, serão selecionados dez artistas que receberão destaque na Revista Digital do site da Fundação Iberê Camargo e um artista que participará do Programa Artista Convidado do Ateliê de Gravura, em Porto Alegre.

Podem se inscrever artistas que tenham pelo menos quatro anos de produção sistemática em arte e participação comprovada em, no mínimo, três exposições individuais e/ou coletivas. A ideia é incentivar artistas em processo de formação e possibilitar o intercâmbio de ideias, vivências e propostas realizadas dentro e fora do Brasil.

Para participar, basta clicar aqui e ler com atenção o regulamento. As inscrições estão abertas de 11 de novembro de 2010 a 7 de fevereiro de 2011. Participe!

A Bolsa Iberê Camargo é um programa de residência internacional, destinado a artistas brasileiros. Proporciona aos selecionados uma imersão em sua produção e o aperfeiçoamento de suas habilidades, a partir da realização de um projeto em um importante centro de ensino no exterior.

Criada em 2001 com o objetivo de fomentar a produção artística contemporânea no Brasil, a iniciativa comemora, em 2010, uma década de existência. Neste período, cunhou sua presença no cenário nacional como uma das mais importantes iniciativas do gênero, estabelecendo um fluxo cultural e uma importante rede de trocas e experiências entre a produção artística nacional e a internacional.

Nesta décima edição, a Bolsa vai levar um artista para uma residência no Bronx Museum, em Nova York, nos Estados Unidos, e outro para a Universidad Torcuato di Tella, em Buenos Aires, na Argentina. No ato de inscrição, os projetos já deverão ser pensados para a instituição escolhida.

Além disso, como nas últimas edições, serão selecionados dez artistas que receberão destaque na Revista Digital do site da Fundação Iberê Camargo e um artista que participará do Programa Artista Convidado do Ateliê de Gravura, em Porto Alegre.

As inscrições estão abertas de 11 de novembro de 2010 a 7 de fevereiro de 2011. Participe!

quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010

The 3rd International City Complexities Cartoon (By Email) Contest-2010

The 3rd International City Complexities Cartoon
(By Email) Contest-2010

We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless
their age from all over the world.

Theme: City Complexities
For example: Apartment living culture,Citizen right
from religion vision,Air pollution,
Irregular city constructions ,Traffic
Garbage Repelling, Destruction of traditional shape of the cities


-The number of sent cartoons is 5.
-Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your
artistic activity (surname and first name, address,
e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
-All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue of the contest.
-Sent works should be in 200dpi with 1500 pixel width or length
and jpg format.
-Sent works should not be published or won in a contest before.
-Please Specify Contest Title in your
Subject email

prizes :
- First Prize: $2000, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
-Second Prize: $ 1500, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
-Third Prize: $ 1000, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
-10 Honorable Mentions

The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:

The cartoons will be published in the web pages:

21st November 2010

Thank you for participation

Iranian House of Cartoon:
Tel: (+98 21) 22868600-22867080
Fax: (+98 21)22846928

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010


DEADLINE: 30. 11. 2010

Theme: Space

April 12, 2011 will mark the 50-th anniversary of the great breakthrough for the humankind - the first manned space flight. That day the whole world learned the Yuri Gagarin’s smile.

To mark this anniversary the Guild of cartoonists Mediasoyuz, Russia, and creative social network http://www.myhobbyplanet.ru/ (organizers) announce a cartoon contest "The International Festival of Ironic Graphics “Gagarin’s Smile””.


The competition is open to professionals and amateurs from all continents.

Theme: Space

Everything connected with the space exploration can be the subject of the author. This could be the international cooperation in the development of the orbital stations, and "Star Wars", planets, stars, comets and other celestial bodies, astronomy and astrology, flights to distant worlds and contacts with alien civilizations, space communications and satellite navigation, space medicine, space technology, and their application in everyday life, the history of space exploration from Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Wernher von Braun and Sergei Korolev, and much more.

Up to 3 entries are allowed per person.

The participant has to be the author of the entry. For artists who have opened their own page on the http://www.myhobbyplanet.ru/ there are special conditions for participation. There are no restrictions in the choice of colors and styles.

Works previously published or awarded in other competitions are acceptable. Welcome to report about such entries. Organizers request not to send these works to other contests from the time of this announcement to April 12, 2011.

At the first stage only digital submission will be accepted. Please send your works to the following address: gagarinsmile2011@gmail.com, The works will be accepted from November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010.
Please send also the short bio and author’s photo. The entry form can be downloaded here:

Entry form

Format: size A4 (297x210mm), 300dpi, RGB, JPG, the highest quality.

The jury will conduct the preliminary selection of works. All selected entries will be posted on http://www.myhobbyplanet.ru/

The works will be reviewed by the international jury composed of:
Marcin Bondarovich, artist (Poland);
Viktor Bogorad, artist (Russia);
Vadim Boreiko, chief editor of the"Time” newspaper, former employee of the Baikonur space center (Kazakhstan);
Anatoly Wasserman, journalist and public figure (Ukraine);
Bayram Hajizadeh, artist, President of the Azerbaijan Cartoonists Uni on (Azerbaijan);
Michael Zlatkovsky, artist, Secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Russia);
Svetlana Kruglova, art critic, Director of the Surgut Fine Arts Museum, the organizer and leader of the Biennale "Karikaturum" (Russia)
Andrey Rijov, artist, Chairman of the Guild of Cartoonists Mediasoyuz (Russia);
Andrey Feldshteyn, artist, founder and director of the International Cartoonists’ Club "Cartunion”, http://www.cartoonblues.com/ (USA).

The jury will sel ect the short list of works considered for awards. The short list will be posted no later than December 15 on the site http://www.myhobbyplanet.ru/ . Artists whose works will be sel ected will have the opportunity to participate in the final stage of the competition.

• Authors will be required to send the originals of their works in A3 format, or high quality prints: format A3 with a "wet" signature (for works created with the use of computer programs).

• Works must be sent to: Kashirskoye, 11-3, Moscow 115230, Russia no later than February 1, 2011.

• Organizers are not responsible for any damage that may occur during shipping and processing.

• The award-winning works will not be returned to the artists. The works which were not awarded, will be returned to the authors by their written request.

• By the fact of completing the entry form, the participant declares and acknowledges in advance that he passes the financial rights to organizers to use works in the souvenir and printed materials, the internet for two years (2011 -2012 years.)
The exhibition will be open in Moscow no later than April 1, 2011.

• The exhibition could travel to the various Russian or other countries’ cities, which are closely related to the research and space exploration.

• Only exhibited authors (about 70-100) will receive a printed catalog.

Prizes: Grand Prix of the festival - 50 000 rubles
Various extra special and personal gifts fr om 15 000 to 5 000 rubles

• Based on the agreement with the winner the organizers will cover his travel expenses to attend the ceremony in Moscow.

All information, including the additional clarifications and comments, will be posted on the portal http://www.myhobbyplanet.ru/. This site will also allow authors to discuss their works or ask questions.


Deadline 30. 11. 2010

Theme: Extreme art
The First International Contest of Graphic Humor ‘ The Ron Ron ‘ of Guatemala, invites all the humorists of the world to take part with the topic and to help us to create our Institution:

Only will accept a one work for participant in format of 50×40 cms.

(In digital form : 150 ppi of resolution in file jpg – rgb color).

Entries produced on a computer should be numbered and signed by pencil… and send to: guillelorentzen@gmail.com
With the intention of creating a fund for the Institution will ask for this time for 10.00 Euros for participant.

Donations of Institutions will be accepted and public in general, which will be published days later to the deadline that is indicated further on.

The donations will be realized by Western Union to the organizer: Guillermo Lorentzen Martínez. Address: 15 av.,5-50, zone 11, Carabanchel, Guatemala City, phone: (502)50023122

To send the Number of the deal to: guillelorentzen@gmail.com
Or by PayPal: Guillermo Lorentzen Martínez by e-mail: glorentzen@yahoo.com
The works will be exhibited in the blog: www.humorchapin.wordpress.com

In the virtual museum

The deadline of admission of works is November 30, 2010.

The awards.

The awards in this first contest will consist of Diploms and Trophies and in accordance with the donations that are received it might give an award in Euros to.

Address: Humor Chapin

The Ron Ron- The Guatemalan Humor Online Magazinne

15 Av. 5-50, zone 11, Carabanchel, Guatemala City

Central America.